Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 28, 2011


We are finally home! What an amazing and exhausting trip! I was so sad that I couldn't blog in China, but honestly, I have no idea how anyone has time while they are there anyway. We just spent 18 hours on a plane with a baby climbing on our heads (those were the good times- the throw up - not so much). She is still sitting on me as I type. I am amazed at the number of things you can do learn to do while holding a baby - pretty much anything! You can use both hands, your knees, toes, etc.

OK - That was yesterday - can't seem to finish anything - can't imagine why. I thought that jet lag was really people just being dramatic. I was up for 28 hours straight from leaving the hotel in Hong Kong until we got home Wednesday night. Last night we went to bed at 3:00 am and woke up at 12:00 noon. When I woke up, it took a few seconds to realize that I really was not paralyzed from the neck down. Tonight she went to sleep at 11:30, so maybe we are on the road to normal.

I think now, I will start from the beginning of the trip, and do a little over the next few days. That will help summarize the days anyway.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ready to Leave - Almost

OK - it is after 3:00 am. No - I have not finished packing, but I wouldn't be able to sleep anyway. For the last few nights, 3:00 has been my normal bedtime. So far one suitcase completely stuffed - #2 in the works.

We will be leaving for Detroit at 11:00 am. Our flight to Bejing is not until 8:30 pm. We will arrive in Bejing at 11:00 pm on Friday night (which will be 10:00 am in Oklahoma). China is 13 hours ahead of Oklahoma if you want to keep track - so now it is 4:20 pm there.

Cara's room is pretty much ready - just a few things didn't get finished, and the valance needs to be hung a little better, but it's good for now. I love the way the curtains turned out! The cushions for the chair will be ready when we get back.

Jaxon had his haircut and he is all ready to meet his new little sister - he's already started taking her toys - I had to chase him down to get a few things back into the suitcase. He especially wanted Snoopy - he loves toys and is going to take every single toy she tries to play with away from her - that's gonna be fun!

I am dreading this flight, but I can't wait to get to get there . I have got to get to that baby!

I won't be able to blog from China unless I can figure out how to do it on an iphone. I want to thank everyone for all the well wishes, prayers, and support! A few more prayers may be needed to get me through the flight :)

Can't wait to talk to everyone when we get back!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Travel Dates!

Travel dates are here!

Leave for China - Beijing - July 14th
Gotcha Day! Get baby Cara - Guangdong - July 18th
Leave for Hong Kong - July 26th
Home - July 27th

The weather is in the mid 90's during the day and VERY humid! Friends say more humid than Florida - can't imagine that!

There is so much paperwork and lists of things to take. I have someone staying at my house to take care of Jaxon and hopefully keep all the plants and flowers from baking in the 100+ weather.